Remember that awesome Saturday morning TV show we used to watch every week when we were kids
(or at least when I was a kid, some of my readers may be old for all I know) the one about teenagers who had the ability to change into cool animals like bears, tigers, snakes etc, they fought off bad guys and saved the world, and all that jazz? Yeah, Animorphs. I dunno why, but that particular nostalgic child-hood memory just happened to pop in my head recently.
Well, if I were to by any chance wake up tomorrow suddenly an animal, I guess I'd look somewhat like this:
Yes people, poor little me has been going through hell these past few days. Talk about exhaustion, drowsiness, your-brain-half-asleep-all-the-time-ness, and all that jazz and more when you have two large fractions of your life at collision point.
It hasn't even been 2 sessions of online training yet and I already feel like my hair's about to magically turn blonde with reddish highlights,
then fall of my scalp. And guess what? To top it all off I have exam week at school. So it's literally like marijuana till 7pm then chemistry till 1am. Then we have the next day, patents till 8 pm and integrals till, well till I'm drop dead gorgeous, lol.
no no wait, it's more like: *double sigh*
But oh well. I mean, it's all quite fun actually, watching myself kill myself, lol.
Aaanyway, so after a successfully executed prototype schedule for session 1 of the online session, I've kinda grown to learn that strictly dividing school and debate with certain times actually work. So I guess I'll use this form of self-discipline for the next legs of training too.
So...yeah, there you have it. The latest scoop on my oh so very interesting life as of now :D
Oh and just before I go, the 2nd session of online training has just started. So for blog jobs, I have the topic of Augusto Pinochet; and as for the online debate, all 4 of us boys have this one motion to work on (too lazy to move my fingers and click "yahoo mail" to check the actual wording of the motion, sorry)
Okay now, so you now may continue on with your lives. Bye :)
p.s. Oh and here's an awesome book cover from the Animorph series. Yknow, just in case some of you dunno what Animorphs is. Or if any of you by any chance spent your whole child-hood in a cave :D jk...